A very significant day during my Yoga Teacher Training came when we had a lecture on Pre-Natal Yoga. I never really considered how Yoga would affect my mind and body when I became pregnant, but this lecture opened my eyes to how it could be beneficial. I started to understand pregnancy, labor, and delivery in a much different way as my fears of the entire ordeal began to dissipate. After a short two hour lecture introducing Pre-Natal Yoga, I signed up for a three day Pre-Natal Teacher Training work shop to delve more deeply into this topic!
The three day workshop covered a lot of information from biological changes throughout pregnancy, to working with pregnant students, and sequencing an effective pre-natal class. I left the workshop feeling ready to teach a Pre-Natal Yoga class, and my thoughts about pregnancy, labor, and delivery felt much more balanced. Growing up I always imagined when I went into labor I would immediately go to a hospital, have an epidural, and have my baby. I never considered alternative options or how I would mentally cope with the experience. I also never thought about my pregnancy as a time of preparation for this experience. Pregnancy in my mind was always the time to get the nursery ready and watch my body progressively expand!
Once I became pregnant myself I was very excited to start Pre-Natal Yoga, because it seemed helpful to so many women. Around 14 weeks, after the morning sickness was gone and I could hold down dog without fear of getting sick on the person next to me, I decided to take my first class. When class began we went around the room and introduced ourselves, said how far along we were, and noted any complaints we had thus far with our pregnancies. The women were friendly and open to discuss their pregnancy woes. Women who already had children shared how Yoga was helpful throughout pregnancy and during labor. A sense of community was established as each woman spoke, and I felt more confident being surrounded by other women who understood what I was experiencing. I found during my pregnancy that a lot of people have opinions, even women who have never had a baby, and it was a great relief being with women who were not judging me or my pregnancy. We all shared something so precious in common, and it was not a place for criticism, but one of great warmth!
My first class was amazing and the sequencing allowed me to move my body in ways that made me feel connected to the baby. When I was 14 weeks I was not showing and felt pretty good, but the hip and chest openers still felt wonderful! The teacher discussed how once the baby arrived we would be hunching over a lot to feed the baby, and it was important to strengthen our backs, arms, and shoulders as well as keep them open. This is something I would not have thought about before taking Pre-Natal Yoga, and now that I am in my 26th week and the weight of the baby is increasing, I am so aware of my posture and keeping my body from leaning into the additional weight. The tools from yoga are with me through out each day as I remind myself to be present and aware of how my changing body needs adjustments.
As we moved through the asanas (poses) the teacher would explain how it could help to do it during labor to alleviate the pain or distract our minds. We would hold Utkatasana (Chair Pose) for a full minute so we could practice dealing with a painful time period. Realizing Utkatasana was not nearly as intense as a contraction, we all gained confidence in ourselves and our bodies knowing we could use movement or shifting our focus to avoid focusing on what we felt. Some days it’s a breeze staying in Utkatasana for a full minute, but other days when you have less energy and more aches, it’s a major challenge. On those challenging days, I learn the most and find that my mind is very powerful in deciding whether to surrender to the experience or to fight it. When I accept the difficulty and sway my hips or use imagery as a distraction, before I know it the minute has passed and we are all laughing again.
Each week I have attended Pre-Natal Yoga, I have learned more about myself and my pregnancy. My experience with Pre-Natal Yoga thus far , leads me to believe that it's far from being a bust! All the hype has proven to be true and I would suggest anyone, at any stage of pregnancy, as long as your care provider says it’s safe for you, attend some pre-natal classes. It is a MUST in guiding you through your preparation for your due date, and offers a beautiful sense of community every woman should experience during her pregnancy!